The Image Spot component can hold 2-5 Image Spot Elements.
Each element can have a header, an image, paragraph text and a link. Each of the values are optional.

The component is a good choice for CTA buttons, when listing product features, or when presenting a range of products.

Please note, you should use a minimum of text. If you need to display more text, the Text Image Spot is a better choice.

Component variations

2 elements

Image Spot with round images

This Image Spot holds 2 Image Spot Elements, and we have added the variation Round Images.

3 elements

Image Spot with 3 elements

This is the default appearance of the Image Spot, when no variations are added.

The elements function as CTA (Call to Action) elements, guiding the user to other parts of the website.

5 elements

  • thumb_Alta

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac erat ut augue ornare faucibus. Morbi ut dignissim lectus.

  • thumb_Dynamo

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac erat ut augue ornare faucibus. Morbi ut dignissim lectus.

  • thumb_Nera

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac erat ut augue ornare faucibus. Morbi ut dignissim lectus.

  • thumb_opn1_miniRITE_OpenDome_C068RoyalBlue

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac erat ut augue ornare faucibus. Morbi ut dignissim lectus.

  • thumb_Sensei

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac erat ut augue ornare faucibus. Morbi ut dignissim lectus.

Image Spot with 5 image spot elements

Like the Image Spot with 3 elements, this Image Spot also has the default appearance, with no variations added. The appearance seems very different though, because this version is using images with transparent backgrounds, instead of colorful square backgrounds.